If This Doesn’t Do It…Nothing Will

If This Doesn’t Do It…Nothing Will July 30, 2024

If This Doesn’t Do It…Nothing Will

Some time ago, fairly recently, I asked here what it would take for Trump supporters to stop supporting him (for president of US again). I received a variety of answers.

Now, and I know this because I saw it and heard it on ABC News (from the horse’s mouth so to speak). Donald Trump has stated publicly, and without any hint of joking, that IF he is elected president again people will not have to vote again in the future.

There can be no mistaking what he meant. What else could he possibly have meant? And don’t tell me he didn’t mean it! Does he make false promises? (If you say yes and support him still, then I don’t know what to say about you or to you!) I believe he makes false promises, but I don’t think this is one.

Twice, once in Florida (to a group of Christians who he called “my beautiful Christians”) and again in Minnesota Trump promised that if “they” elected him they would never have to vote again. What else could he have meant but that he intends to (as he said) “fix it.” Fix what? C’mon, people. Wake up! Democracy is at stake. Are you really willing to sacrifice democracy to have Trump as dictator? Or do you not believe him?

I simply can’t understand any fellow American, Christian or otherwise, who has heard Trump say this, or who has heard that he said it from reliable sources, and still supports him as president-elect. I have to conclude that they/you are willing to throw away American democracy.

This is what happened in Germany when people threw away the Weimar Republic, clumsy as it was, to have a fascist dictatorship. We know what that led to.

I would not be surprised if Trump is elected president again to hear of concentration camps (probably called something else) for political dissidents. And to see America become a one-party state. Trump has vowed vengeance against his enemies. What can that possibly mean, especially put together with his declaration that people will not have to vote again (if he is elected)?

People here chide me for using my blog for political discourse instead of theology. Theology is about EVERYTHING. Imagine telling Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Karl Barth not to talk about politics in Germany in the 1930s! (Yes, Barth was teaching in Germany for part of the 1930s after Hitler came to power. He was expelled but only after speaking out against National Socialism and “German Christianity.”)

*Note: If you choose to comment, keep your comment relatively brief (no more than 100 words), on topic, addressed to me, civil and respectful (not hostile or argumentative), and devoid of pictures or links.*

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