Young American Men Turning Right

Young American Men Turning Right August 23, 2024


For a long time I’ve been saying to whomever would listen that the progressive turn toward females in our American society, especially in matters of health and education, will predictably alienate especially young men in ways not good for the whole of society. There, that was a mouthful. I know that I will, as always, receive push back. I’m not promoting the “Manosphere” here but only sounding an alarm.

It cannot be good for society as a whole for the powers that be, in government, higher education, corporations and businesses, to turn their backs on a whole demographic of the population.

According to a study conducted by the Wall Street Journal, young American men have been turning away from the Democratic Party and towards the Republican Party because the former has not spoken to their concerns and perceived needs. Here is the report as found on Youtube: Why So Many Young Men Are Leaving Democrats for Republicans in 2024 | WSJ State of the Stat.

Now, the point I want to make is NOT about partisan politics per se but about the increasing sense of alienation among especially young men. For all the good intentions and right policies promoted by the philosophy of DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion), it is being perceived by many, perhaps most, young men as meaning “You are excluded. We don’t care about you.”

Young men, especially white men, are concluding, rightly or wrongly, that they are being passed over for jobs (broadly defined) for which they are qualified. They see and hear, from friends and relatives and mentors, that they are unlikely to receive positions and advancements even if they are more qualified than someone who does not look like them.

They are not wrong.

What is definitely working for young women and young people of color is alienating young men. Can this possibly be good in the long run for everyone?

I doubt that singling out a particular demographic for exclusion is ever helpful. Predictably, as I have said for many years, it will lead to anti-social behavior.

Is favoring Republicans anti-social behavior? No. That is not what I’m saying. But IF Democrats want to win they need young males. And if society wants to function successfully for everyone, it needs every demographic to feel cared about and offered help.

To be blunt, I believe that the (perhaps unintentional) exclusion of young males from the platform of Democrats (and I mean that very broadly, not just in terms of what is written) has strengthened the far right of the American political spectrum. The Youtube video I cited above shows very clearly how Trump appeals to young males and how the Democratic Party does not.

In my humble opinion, that is not a good thing.

Everyone tells me Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party hopes to win in 2024 by appealing to women, especially young women, and suburban women especially. What about men, especially young men?

The collective mindset especially of progressives is that they don’t deserve special attention even though statistics are showing how they are falling behind in education, employment, and health.

*Note: If you choose to comment, make sure your comment is relatively brief (no more than 100 words), on topic, addressed to me, civil and respectful (not hostile or argumentative), and devoid of pictures or links.*

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