A Lullaby We All Need To Hear

A Lullaby We All Need To Hear October 8, 2012

I recently realized that kid’s birthday takes place in the same week as National Coming Out DayOct. 11th.

It dawned on me that even though he’s presenting cues that he’s probably straight, that I want him to know that I will love him just as much no matter what sexual orientation he lands upon as he grows. He knows about “LGBTQ” and that I’m the pastor of a “Reconciling” ministry and he’s had a gay man and a bi-sexual individual among his babysitters over the years. Even though I’m a pastor, and would love to think that people are moved by my sermons, I’m experienced enough to know that music tends to sway and influence people’s hearts more than sermons do. (I pity pastors who haven’t humbled themselves to be able to admit this yet).

So, with this in mind, I decided to give my son two birthday gifts this year: a new bike, and a song. He gave me a decent hug for the bike.

He gave me a giant hug for the song. : )

Disclaimer: I’m primarily a trumpeter and a writer. Singing isn’t my strong-suit. But here’s my crack at Fred Small‘s moving ballad “Everything Possible.” I invite you to play it for your kids — or better yet, to sing it to them yourself. It’s filled with unconditional love — and couldn’t we all use a bit more of that.

Here are the lyrics:

We have cleared off the table, the leftovers saved,

Washed the dishes and put them away

I have told you a story and tucked you in tight

At the end of your knockabout day

As the moon sets it’s sails to carry you to sleep

Over the midnight sea

I will sing you a song no one sang to me

May it keep you good company.


You can be anybody you want to be,

You can love whomever you will

You can travel any country where your heart leads

And know I will love you still

You can live by yourself, you can gather friends around,

You can choose one special one

And the only measure of your words and your deeds

Will be the love you leave behind when you’re done.

There are girls who grow up strong and bold

There are boys quiet and kind

Some race on ahead, some follow behind

Some go in their own way and time

Some women love women, some men love men

Some raise children, some never do

You can dream all the day never reaching the end

Of everything possible for you.

Don’t be rattled by names, by taunts, by games

But seek out spirits true

If you give your friends the best part of yourself

They will give the same back to you.


May God bless us as we do our best to help raise the children of this world to love themselves

just as God made them.


p.s. If you want to learn more about my commitment to gay rights– or if you want to debate me about those matters — please see: “Pastoral Letter to the United Methodist Church” & “Why I’m a Gay-Friendly Pastor.”

The Rev. Roger Wolsey is an ordained United Methodist pastor. He is the author of  Kissing Fish: christianity for people who don’t like christianity. In addition to contributing to Patheos, Roger also blogs for Sojourners, Huffington Post, and Elephant Journal.

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