October 14, 2017

For years I said that because breast cancer kept me from traveling to Africa, the Somali girls were God's way of bringing Africa to me -- as if the Invisible Girls were a consolation prize.  I was really wrong.  Read more

October 11, 2017

If you're a friend or a family member who's walking this road with someone who's healing from sexual trauma, wondering how to walk this road well with them, there are four simple things that every survivor I've ever talked to said they needed to hear. Four simple things I said to my friend last night, that I'll tell her again today. Read more

October 10, 2017

Thoughts on hope as California's Wine Country burns.  Read more

October 9, 2017

Would you like to be part of the WELL launch team? I’m looking for people who will put the word out on social media, talk about the themes from the book, write posts or blogs featuring WELL…and work together to help this message of love and healing ripple through our beautiful, desperately broken world. As a launch team member, you’ll get a free digital copy of the book, an invitation to a closed Facebook group, Facebook Live sessions with me,... Read more

August 29, 2017

Since Hurricane Harvey made landfall, I have been praying for Houston. I have been captivated by the stories, videos, articles and photos emerging from the storm. What strikes me is that in the midst of the wind, the deluge, the flooding, the destruction and the desperation, there are slivers of beauty. There are glimpses of greatness. Not in the muddy torrents or the wrecked houses or the flooded streets or the floating remnants of peoples’ hard-fought dreams….but in the people and their acts... Read more

July 5, 2017

Yesterday, the U.S. celebrated Independence Day with barbecues, picnics, outdoor adventures, watermelon, ice cream and fireworks.  Lots of American flags were flown, and lots of people talked about our gift of freedom. There’s a new park in my neighborhood.  The City of San Francisco took a dilapidated block and turned it into a beautiful little park with a large grassy area, a walking path, swings, exercise equipment and water fountains. Yesterday afternoon I walked there with a blanket and a stack of books,... Read more

November 21, 2016

I’m writing this from the Dominican Republic…the country that shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti. I was invited to come volunteer at a non-profit that sends medical teams into villages (in Spanish, they’re called barrios) to provide free medical care to people who lack the financial means to pay for it. I flew into the DR two days before the rest of the team arrived, planning to spend some time exploring Santo Domingo before meeting up with the team and making the trip three... Read more

November 14, 2016

It’s early to think about Christmas, I know, but there are already lots of efforts underway to mobilize Christians who want to help children in the developing world have a merrier-than-usual Christmas. I love the enthusiasm, the generosity and the hope — and I want the same thing for these kids, too.  I want them to know that they are loved, that they are special, that they deserve to enjoy and celebrate their childhood, and that there are lots of... Read more

November 9, 2016

I didn’t watch the election results last night.  Even though I didn’t vote for him, I’ve felt in my soul over the past week that Trump was going to win.  When I woke up this morning in the pre-dawn dark, I had to pray for a long time, settle my soul, and ground myself in the truth that no matter which candidate won the U.S. presidential election, Divine Love is still holding us all — before I could even bring myself... Read more

November 2, 2016

I am acutely aware of the angst, ire, frustration, fear, anger, uncertainty and dread that are in full-force as the presidential election nears. I am aware of it because I feel all of these emotions in my body.  My heart pounds and my stomach twists at the thought of how dramatically the outcome of the election will change the country I live in….the country I love. And I am also aware that my ultimate citizenship is not in the United States... Read more

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