January 2, 2018

Temporary change is interesting, but it's not transformative. We need to take consistent, constructive steps every day in order to experience true change. This month, I'm going to be exploring how to take meaningful, sustainable steps toward transformation.           Want to join me?   Read more

December 24, 2017

As followers of Jesus, we aren't called to sit fuming, name-calling, blame assigning, in our pews, waiting for other people to take responsibility for the problems we see.  We aren't called the curse the darkness. We're called to become the light. Read more

December 22, 2017

Thank you to all of you who have written to ask how we can help patients at the hospital in South Sudan. I’m not an expert, but after being on the ground, serving at the hospital, and having many conversations with South Sudanese community leaders, here’s some context, and suggestions for how we can help. (Also, because WiFi in South Sudan is so slow, I wasn’t able to upload many blog posts.  For more stories and pictures from my time in... Read more

December 8, 2017

“Many people do not want to come to a war zone,” the young man said.  But you did -- you ran in for us.” I smiled, and blinked back tears.  “You are love,” he said. “Because love runs in.” Read more

December 7, 2017

Last night I ate my first meal in South Sudan, sitting across from a young priest.  “Father, in the midst of war and famine, what do you tell the people about God?”  He said, “I tell them God is hope." Read more

December 6, 2017

South Sudan has the highest rates of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa, and the highest child mortality rate in the developing world. It's the most fragile country in the world, and 2.5 million S. Sudanese have lost their lives in the current civil war.  Please pray for them.  Pray for me.  Read more

December 5, 2017

We can live our lives consumed by seeking standing ovations that bring crowds to their feet. But our ultimate purpose is to bring a crippled, suffering world to its feet, one pair of healed, dancing feet at a time.  Read more

December 4, 2017

I think having courage is more meaningful than being brave because it means you honestly encounter fear...and choose to believe that something matters more. Read more

December 1, 2017

As I remember the joy of today, 24 hours before leaving for the next leg of the journey to South Sudan, it occurs to me that soaking up the beautiful in our world isn’t optional; it’s essential.  Because beauty gives us the vision, the energy and the reminder we need to keep pouring our lives into the brokenness. Read more

November 27, 2017

I'd appreciate you thinking of me as I learn to practice love that costs me something. As I learn to practice compassion until it hurts. As I learn to perfect the art of schlepping in the rain.  Read more

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