Hard work and the LDS Faith

Hard work and the LDS Faith September 3, 2022

From the beginning of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, members have been great examples of hard work. Most of them converted to the church and immediately traveled across an ocean and then a continent to be with the Saints.

They weren’t afraid of leaving behind everything to live their faith. They traveled across rough and uninhabited lands, and endured mobs and angry neighbors. They carved a beautiful valley in Salt Lake out of scrub brush and clay and created an inspiring and beautiful legacy.

Pioneer hard work

Daniel and Peninah Wood family

My 3X great-grandparents were among those early pioneers. Daniel Wood and his family built a homestead and farmed a large plot of land in what became Woods Cross.

My son and I recently visited the family graveyard that used to be part of their family orchard. It started with a sweet stillborn baby, and eventually grew to house 35 family members over the generations.

My other great grandfather, Joseph Ridges, built the Tabernacle Organ. Before the Conference Center was built we got to see the Tabernacle Organ at every General Conference. He built several organs in his lifetime.

The Tabernacle Organ has some pipes so large that we have a family story about Joseph Ridges and the prophet Brigham Young racing through these pipes. In fact, if all the pipes were to play at once, it would bring the building down.

Service legacy

Joseph Ridges and the Tabernacle Organ

These wonderful men left me tangible things that remind me of who I am, and where I come from. If it hadn’t been for their hard work, there would be no legacy.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is full of men and women just like my great grandfathers.

We believe in hard work. In fact, I love this little nursery rhyme that has been Mormonised that we used to say a lot as I was growing up.

Mary had a little lamb,

It grew into a sheep.

And then it joined the Mormon church

And died from lack of sleep.

Mormon Missionaries

LDS missionaries

It’s a tradition for young men and women to serve a volunteer mission for 18 months to 2 years when they are between 18-21. And many have shown me their shoes, and how they wore out the soles of their shoes as they work to serve their fellow man.

They go to every corner of the earth and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And they uplift and inspire the members as they do.

In fact, the church believes so strongly in the power of hard work, that there are more than proselyting missions. There are many thousands serving Service missions too.

My parents served a mission recently at the Bishop’s Storehouse. Where those who needed church assistance for groceries would bring their orders to what is basically a church-run, free grocery store. 

Before that, they served a mission working with young disabled individuals at Deseret Soap. They made soap that was distributed to all the Bishop’s Storehouses around the world. My parents are beautiful examples to me of hard work and dedication to serving their fellow man.

Temple work

Washington DC Temple

My neighbor and my niece are both serving missions as temple workers. I served a mission as a temple worker when I was young. It was so fulfilling just being in the temple. It didn’t feel like work.

And the beauty of temple service is that the Lord helps you. My neighbor told me how his 80-year-old body doesn’t hurt when he is in the temple, and it makes his service a blessing.

I’m so grateful to be part of a church and a family that focuses so much on serving others. It inspires me and reminds me that there is more in life than my own problems.

As I focus on the work the Lord has for me, every other part of life is easier, because He helps me. To me, hard work is a gift to our Heavenly Father and our family. I have been blessed, so I pass it along and bless others.

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