October 5, 2018

A review of Averil Cameron's "Byzantine Christianity." Read more

October 2, 2018

Review of "Prayer" by John Onwuchekwa Read more

September 27, 2018

Both lovely and harrowing, “The Sisters Brothers” can be beautiful to look at—when you aren’t turning your head and shuddering during its more gruesome moments. Read more

September 25, 2018

Important Disclaimer: For the first 70 pages or so of this book, I was fairly sick. I know I read the material, because my marginal notations are found throughout. And I think, by skimming back over those notations, I’ve managed to pick up what I missed. But still, take this review with a grain of salt (and see the footnote below). Fred Sanders’ Wesley on the Christian Life is another excellent work in a truly solid series. If this book does... Read more

September 21, 2018

If you like fantasy (which I’m still on the fence about, despite being a Tolkien fan) and science fiction (which I enjoy), you’ll want to pick up Barbara Hambly’s Darkmage. Technically, Darkmage is a collection of The Silent Tower and The Silicon Mage, two of the books in a series (a series which the internet tells me is apparently ongoing?). I can’t speak for the rest of the books in the series, but I can say that you’ll want the first two if you don’t... Read more

September 18, 2018

Volume four of the First Series of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers (got all that?) includes Augustine’s major writings against the Manichaeans and the Donatists. If you want to familiarize yourself with Augustine and the church fathers, this volume is not the place to start. Don’t get me wrong, as with a lot of Augustine’s writings, there is much solid gold, much that merits more thought, and some that is outright wrong. And yet, although the topics are relevant ones to... Read more

September 14, 2018

It should come as no surprise to readers of this blog that I love books. (Movies too, but that’s less relevant now.) Which makes it a challenge when something happens to a book. Not in book, though that can be a challenge too. I mean when something happens to the physical object that is a book. Like for example when you’re reading a used copy of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and every time you turn the page, that page falls out of... Read more

September 11, 2018

DC Universe has a lot of potential for comic book fans. Read more

September 7, 2018

Just what is so attractive about Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy that a small-but-steady trickle of Evangelicals are willing to abandon their faith for? In his book In Search of Ancient Roots, Kenneth Stewart explores the reasons former Evangelicals give for their exit from the faith and argues that much of what they are looking for is found within traditional Protestantism, if only we would abandon our obsession with the new and immediate in favor of the faith handed down to... Read more

September 4, 2018

Growing up, my teen detective series of choice was The Three Investigators rather than The Hardy Boys or their single white female equivalent, Nancy Drew. This wasn’t so much because of an intentional choice on my part as it was because of what was available on the shelf at my local library. So when I pulled the very first volume of the “Nancy Drew Mystery Stories”, The Secret of the Old Clock, off our shelves as part of my effort to get all this... Read more

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