5 Ways to Complete Your 6-Pack – Fence Not Needed

5 Ways to Complete Your 6-Pack – Fence Not Needed March 16, 2015

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Today, we’re talking about abs. Real abs, not the ones made from a wire fence.

Everybody wants them but few people have them. Yes, the old saying that abs are made in the kitchen is true, but you also need to strengthen and grow your abdominals just like you would any other muscle.

Today I’m going to focus on the lower abdominals. The lower abs are the most overlooked portion of the stomach. Not only do most people neglect to work the bottom abs, but many people simply don’t know how.

It’s relatively easy to form a nice four pack on the upper half of your stomach, but the real trick is learning how to complete the six-pack with these exercises below. Keep in mind that these are primarily working the bottom abs only so you’ll have to incorporate other ab exercises for the top portion throughout the week.

Also, it’s worth noting that your abs are unlike any other muscle group in that they can be worked everyday.

Give these a try and let me know what you think. If they don’t kick your butt — or your abs, I guess — you’re not doing them correctly! 

Hanging Straight Leg Raise: 3 x failure (failure means as many reps as your body will allow) 

Hanging Knee Raises: 3 x failure 

Ab Wheel Extensions: 3 x 10 

Reverse Incline Leg Raises:  3 x 15

Reverse Incline Crunch: 3 x 15 

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