That Time Catherine and I Got to Play “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?” and Help Micaela’s Army

That Time Catherine and I Got to Play “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?” and Help Micaela’s Army August 15, 2015

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So Thursday, Catherine and I got to take part in something very cool- we flew to New York and played Who Wants to be a Millionaire for a very special charity. If you haven’t heard, my good buddy Chris Harrison is the new host of the daytime show and he put together a special “Bachelor Week” which will air later this fall. 

As you may know, Catherine and I love games and trivia so just being invited to play was exciting on its own, but the most exciting part was that we played for a charity that is near to my heart. Yesterday we played for Micaela’s Army, a pediatric cancer charity which I’ve had the honor of being a board member for about three years now. The charity was started by a woman named Sharon White who lost her daughter Micaela to Acute Myeloid Leukemia just a few years ago. This charity not only provides much needed dollars to pediatric cancer research but it also helps families who currently have a child fighting cancer. 

I came to be a part of Micaela’s Army when my friend Ruthie, a nurse who treated Micaela and whom I went to high school with, told me about a group of girls who get together in their friend Micaela’s honor each Monday and watch The Bachelor at Micaela’s parent’s house. She said this simple act of her friends gathering each week made Micaela’s mom Sharon feel like Micaela’s spirit was still alive. Ruthie asked me if I’d drop in (this was when my season of The Bachelorette was airing) and surprise them all one Monday. Everyone was stunned when I walked through the door that evening. As I sat and talked with everyone, I was inspired to see the love that they all shared for Micaela and her family. After hearing her mom Sharon tell her story of losing her beautiful daughter and how she wants to help families going through the fight she and her family had just been through, I knew I wanted to help somehow. 

So fast forward a few years and I’m still involved with this much needed, well-run, impactful charity. If you have a heart for children or just want to support a wonderful cause, visit

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