October 28, 2014

Nurse Nina Pham is headed back to Dallas after being declared free of the Ebola virus at the National Institutes of Health hospital in Maryland on Friday — but not before making a quick stop in Washington for a hug and a photo op with President Obama. Read more

October 27, 2014

This is why you have television. Read more

October 27, 2014

Most people can get old and have wrinkles in the privacy of their own home. Read more

October 24, 2014

I laughed out loud several times during this. Read more

October 22, 2014

Some videos just beg to be made. Read more

October 20, 2014

I've always known about Ebola. Then, someone in my neighborhood got it. Read more

October 15, 2014

I hope everyone is sticking to the plan. The first week is always the hardest. I've found that the cravings go away after about 7 days. With that said, I'd do a lot of bad things for a pizza right now. Read more

October 13, 2014

I love to eat healthy and workout but I also love to indulge in the finer things in life- like pizza. I'm "half beast, half feast" as Catherine likes to say. And every once in a while I'll step on the scale and realize I need to kick it back into gear. Today is that day. Read more

October 9, 2014

Why should I forgive someone who has caused me so much hurt? Or perhaps an even a better -- more troublesome -- question: why should someone I've hurt forgive me? Read more

October 8, 2014

I know you Breaking Bad fans out there are devastated and bored now that the show is off the air. I'm here to help. Read more

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