Tips and Inspiration for #Seans21DayChallenge

Tips and Inspiration for #Seans21DayChallenge October 15, 2014


Who’s taking my 21 Day Health and Fitness Challenge?

I hope everyone is sticking to the plan. The first week is always the hardest. I’ve found that the cravings go away after about 7 days.

With that said, I’d do a lot of bad things for a pizza right now.

I wanted to clarify some things about the diet and also provide some helpful tips. So check em out!

No alcohol. Yes I like the occasional social drink too but alcohol is empty calories.

No dairy. I love milk and cheese too but dairy has too much fat and sugar. Stay dairy-free for 21 days.

Prep your meals. It’s not always fun to eat pre-made meals out of Tupperware but it makes sticking to your diet so much easier.

Make Sure You’re Breaking a Sweat   You should be sweating by at least the 7 minute mark of cardio. If you’re not, pick up the speed.

Popsicles are your friend. I always have sugar-free Popsicles at the house to help with those late night sugar cravings. It’s definitely not the same as chocolate cake but the good news is that it’s only 10 calories.

Weigh Every Day This is probably my best piece of advice. Step on the scale first thing in the morning, every morning and record your weight. The goal is to lose weight every day, even if its only a couple tenths of a pound. If you’ve gained a few tenths, it’s motivation to kick your butt even harder that day.

If you want to join me, leave a comment below, tag me on Facebook, or tweet me using #Seans21DayChallenge.  (And don’t worry if you’re late to the game. Start now!)


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