3 Prayers For Adopting Families

3 Prayers For Adopting Families July 28, 2016

Arroyo, Ismael-Damaris Domestic 3

Adoption is best approached with an open heart and a prayerful attitude. The adoption journey is beautiful, but it can also be long and trying. We are so thankful to love a God who invites us to lean on him in situations like this.

Whether you’re deciding if adoption is the right path for your family, or if you’re already in the process, here are three prayers that you can bring before God:

1. “Lord, we need your wisdom.”

When we have a question about something  happening in our life, one of the first things we do is go to a wise friend, parent, or mentor to ask for their input. We need, more than anything, to do the same with God. Even if all we have are questions, that’s okay.

“Is adoption the right path for our family?”

“Which country should we adopt from?”

“God, I don’t even know what I’m doing!”

We need to ask for God’s guidance as we make these decisions. He hears us, and we can stand firm in the hope of his promise from James 1:5,“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” 

2. “Lord, give us patience.”

There may be some unexpected twists and turns on the adoption journey, and one of those might be the amount of time you spend waiting. It’s difficult to continue to be hopeful when our hearts are open and ready for a child. Patience is a necessary virtue for this journey, and it is worth asking for as we see how the Lord works throughout the process of adoption.

Just as Paul wrote in his letter to the Colossians, we can ask that God will “Strengthen with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience.”

3. “Lord, you are trustworthy.”

What do we place our trust in? Money? Power? Success? What truly makes us feel secure?

The truth is that the love and grace of Jesus are the most trustworthy things in life. The adoption journey is life-changing. If you take part in it, you are going out on a limb. You will need to know where to place your hope and your trust.

Trust God.

While we may lack the vision to see how our circumstances will be used to glorify God, we can trust that the Lord is working. We need to recognize, along with the writer of Proverbs 3:5-6, to, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

These are three important prayers for families considering adoption. It helps to spend time daily in prayer and meditation during the adoption process, trusting that God hears when we seek him.

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