And Now, A Word From Our Guest Blogger, Dr. Stephen Payne

And Now, A Word From Our Guest Blogger, Dr. Stephen Payne July 8, 2009

So, Bradley is off taking his mini-sabbatical to contemplate the meaning of life, is he? What a distinct pleasure it will be to mount the camel while he is away. One can only imagine the kind of insights he will return with and then share with us in his inimitable style. As his mentor, I’m also appreciative of the opportunity to get back at him for all those “Monty Python with a Briefcase” jibes he throws at me in public places, like here and at the Princeton Event. So if there’s any dirt you would like on Mr. Moore, please just ask.

Seriously now, Brad is on an amazing journey of learning to integrate his Christianity with his job for the greater good of us all. I’m honored to have seen the incredible impact it has had at his business. This blog is just one of many manifestations of his spiritual journey. I love the way he struggles, encourages and then lifts us all on our own journeys. Just like Brad, I believe we all have to learn to overcome what I call the Great Compartmentalization – the tendency to think that our Christian teachings are right for church and home but somehow can be ignored at work. Do you ever feel that tendency?

Business leadership and spirituality is the domain of all my work. I’m a leader too, and I approach things with one major principle in mind: I believe in God’s infinite power and presence and therefore I know that God is already in the workplace. This simple thought is everything to me. I see the job of people like you, me and Brad is not to go looking outside for answers to our growth, but to to figure out our unique way of revealing the infinite potential that’s already there. That’s how God’s amazing good is revealed – through us as leaders.

And now Brad is away for a couple months, and I would like to share that approach through this blog so you can try it, too. I’ve got some simple tools, case studies, and lot’s of encouragement to offer.  I look forward to sharing with you over the summer.

Dr. Stephen G. Payne practices leadership strategy and executive coaching through his company Leadership Strategies in Princeton, N.J. A former CEO himself, Stephen works with leaders in companies small and large (including the likes of Johnson & Johnson, General Motors, AOL Time Warner, Abbott Laboratories, and The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation). Stephen is the author of First Rule of Leadership: Achieve Far More by Leading Your Self BEFORE You Lead Others.

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