Dear STC: My Boss Tore Down My Whole Being.

Dear STC: My Boss Tore Down My Whole Being. December 20, 2009
Dear Bradley,

I am writing to you because I feel stupid all the time, well since my bitch office manger let me go after working with her for 7 years. She said I always made mistakes, maybe so, but so didn’t everyone else in the office. She always yelled and screamed at me and made me feel that I couldn’t do anything right. I will admit that I am not perfect but she is certainly not. She also would talk about other employees in the office.

Do I sound angry? I am because I have been out of work for 9 months and can not find a job in this economy. I feel that I will not be able to work in a job again. She tore down my whole being. I am a married female with two children and at 43 years of my life I have never felt this way before. How can a person do that to another human being? People in the work force should not put each other down but help one another. What is wrong with people in this world?

Everybody is to out shine one another. God I hate that. I sure do hate life right know.


What is wrong with people?  Life is not about hurting other people.


Dear What is Wrong with People,

Thanks for writing me, you brave soul!

No one should bear a situation where their boss yells and screams at them all the time… that is just not right! I do not blame you for your anger. Let it out!

And you got right to the heart of every problem that exists today in the workforce: People putting each other down rather than helping each other. If only this letter of yours could go out to every single manager and supervisor in America, to remind them that even at work, we are still just people with hearts and souls, who need to be acknowledged and encouraged. It’s a position not to be taken lightly.

But here’s the thing: you are NOT stupid! You may have been in the wrong position, or working for the wrong person – these things happen to everyone. But the best you can do now is learn from it, and not generalize it to your entire life’s future. Make sure you surround yourself with some encouraging friends to remind you of all the strengths you have. But also be sure to take a careful and realistic look at your weaknesses too so that you can try to improve on those going forward.

I wish you all the best and will say a prayer for you.

Things will improve, before long! You’ll see.

God bless you,


This is one of many letters – well, emails really – that I have received from readers who responded to my posts, “It’s Okay To Feel Stupid Sometimes” and “Are You Feeling Stupid At Work? I’m Here To Help.” It’s also a chance for you to comment with better advice than what I gave. I mean, what do I know?

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