Your Dream Career! Or Not.

Your Dream Career! Or Not. March 23, 2010

Here’s something for you to daydream about: what if you had been given a substantial chunk of money when you were 19 years old, and then were told to go follow your dreams? How would that have changed your life? 

That’s just what happened to Peter Buffet, son of super-legendary billionaire investor Warren Buffet, as told in his forthcoming book, “Life is What You Make It.” 

Peter received a $90,000 inheritance when he was a student at Stanford University in the late 70’s. That equates to about $287,000 in today’s dollars if you factor in inflation over time. This little windfall was (to use an oft-quoted tenet of Warren Buffet when giving advice to wealthy parents), “enough to do anything, but not enough to do nothing.” It was a head start, but not enough to throw him into a life-long state of carefree oblivion. 

Wouldn’t that have been nice? 

Or would it have gone to waste? 

To continue reading, please click here to see my post over at the High Calling Blogs.

Photo courtesy of Claire Burge, with permission.

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