The Harsh Reality of Being a Christian Business Leader

The Harsh Reality of Being a Christian Business Leader February 8, 2011

I usually don’t pay much attention to those dime-a-dozen reality shows sweeping the prime time cable line up. Whether it’s that creepy pawn shop guy, or the crazy ice truckers, or those squeaky-voiced Kardashian triplets, I find them trite and boring.

But my huffy attitude changed forever one recent Sunday evening as I sat down in front of the TV with a blunt determination to bore myself with some mindless trash. Clicking through the channels, I landed on an image of a grown man crying like a little girl. He was talking about the hardships of an hourly employee who apparently worked for his company.

I had to see what the problem was here.

It turns out that this man was actually a CEO who stepped down from his corporate tower to spend time in the trenches working those same measly jobs as his employees.

The narrative slowly lured me in. That woman there, with the 5th grade education? Just look at how she handles those customers, with such skill, such compassion and love! You could never handle that, Mr. big-shot CEO. And what’s that? Her house is getting repossessed? Dear Lord, we must do something for her!

Before long, there were little tears forming in my eyes, too.

To find out what the heck this has to do with being a  Christian business leader, click here to continue reading this post at The High Calling.

Photo by Phil Mollenkof, used with permission.

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