Four Tips For Managing Gossip In The Workplace

Four Tips For Managing Gossip In The Workplace December 8, 2009

A CEO friend of mine was approached recently by an employee who complained that a co-worker was trying to poison him. When he told me, I laughed at first, because that is just so hilarious, to think someone is so paranoid as to imagine a co-worker is trying to poison him. This sounds more like it came right out of a wacky comedy, like the “Nine to Five” movie with Dolly Parton and Lilly Tomlin.

My friend then grimaced a bit, an unintended facial twist that said, “This is so ridiculous that I can hardly keep a straight face, but I feel so sorry for this poor sucker.” He went on to tell me in very somber and professional tones how this employee had been concerned for his life – especially during break-time, when he suspected that a Certain Someone had tampered with his bag lunch, which had been kept in the unsecured office fridge.

I would have just told this employee to order out more often, and stop taking chances with the unmonitored corporate refrigerator. But my CEO friend is much more sympathetic and kind towards his employees. He proceeded to launch a full-scale covert investigation on behalf of the suspicious employee. Nothing turned up, of course, but it made this person feel much safer.

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