TKUG for March 1

TKUG for March 1 March 1, 2021

Life is hard, even when there isn’t a pandemic looming. In my inner circle there is radiation treatment starting for two different beloveds, a brother whose cancer is finally beyond treatment, a brother who is in treatment of another sort instead of jail, a son who is recovering from surgery, a daughter with severe morning sickness, a husband who continues to struggle with a brain injury, two elderly mothers who are in cognitive decline… That is aside from the ordinary stressors of work, home, and family.

And yet, every generation has its challenges and traumas. Every life has its sorrows. It is part and parcel of this business of living. <resigned shrug> That is why I am so committed to this silly little weekly feature of our blog. I sincerely believe that Things Keeping Us Going is important. Looking for the small joys in our days matters, because life matters, but life is hard.

So, what small joys did this week bring to keep us going?

Me? After coffee on the couch with my two old dogs, I went to the post office this morning to mail marshmallow chicks to a sisterfriend who is recovering from Covid, and a baby blanket to my Other Favorite Niece (they’re ALL my favorites) for her newborn. I might have also bought dinosaur stamps…

Kirsty Burmeister set off a flurry of geeky outbursts from so many of my friends when she let us know about the Walk to Mordor app. “The only way I can get myself off my couch is to trick myself into thinking I’m on a quest to destroy a ring.”

Jessica Mesman shares, “Listening to the birds in the morning. The birds are back! Somehow this makes me feel like there’s hope.”

May we all feel like there’s hope today.


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