Yorinks and Egielski

Yorinks and Egielski April 10, 2013

I had totally forgotten about this book until one of the kids dragged it up yesterday evening:

Oh, Brother by Arthur Yorinks and Richard Egielski  


Like most of the books done by this pair, it’s quick, it’s funny, it’s more than a little weird, and it has a nice, happy ending.  Two brothers can’t stop squabbling with each other, not even when their life depends on it.  Things go from bad to worse until they have to hatch a ridiculous plan to survive — and when they get found out, all is well again.  Many nice touches, like the sad slump of the tailor’s mannequin when the brothers are in mourning.  Siblings who love each other but who are constantly trying to kill each other (or parents who have kids like this) will get a kick out of it.

Also check out a couple of the other crazy and wonderful books by this author/illustrator team:

Christmas in July (my husband can’t get through this book without cracking up.  It holds the memorable line:  “Hi, I’m Santa.  Got any pants?”)


It Happened in Pinsk (this one is priced outrageously for new editions, so you’d have to get it used.  I love this book so much.  Maybe a teeny bit like Kafka for kids, if Gregor Samsa turned back into a person and was happy and grateful for his life from there on out.)

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