I don’t always do obnoxious fist pumps

I don’t always do obnoxious fist pumps May 19, 2014

. . . but when I do, it’s because I got a good book review from a priest. Madonna House‘s Fr. Denis Lemieux, whose blog, Ten Thousand Places, you should be reading, had this to say about The Sinner’s Guide to  Natural Family Planning:

The meaning of chastity in marriage and the painful journey towards it is well treated, as is the delicate subject of discernment around the choice to have another child. The judmentalism that can sometimes pervade NFP circles is squarely and forthrightly condemned, and the overall theme of the book is the need for mercy, humility, gentleness, sympathy, and kindness to surround everything to do with sex, babies, marriage, and fertility in our hurting world. All written with much humor and poignancy.

I recommend this book highly, especially for younger married couples themselves in the trenches, but really for anyone who wishes to deepen their understanding of the vocation of marriage, its dignity and sublime meaning lived out in the nitty gritty of daily life and toil.

Thanks, Fr. Lemieux! Read the rest of his review here.


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