Introducing Cornelia Roxane Fisher!

Introducing Cornelia Roxane Fisher! February 27, 2015

Born Wednesday morning, 10 lbs., 1 oz., 22 inches long, nice and pink:

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She is exquisite.

baby blanket

Here she meets Benny:

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Here she is joining some of the rest of the sisterhood (note how Benny is the first to discover her charming little toes):

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And here is a little video where nothing much happens except a little, little girl does her elegant, anemone ballet. She is about twelve hours old here, and this is her basic daytime personality, calm and alert:

She is very responsive, but placid, and she is our heart’s delight. I’ll have more pictures up later. We came home Thursday morning and are having a good day with nothing on the schedule but taking turns holding her, admiring her hairy ears, her silky cheeks, her sweet smell

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and of course her no-neck. She is called Corrie, Coco, Nellie, Rocky and sometimes Benny (oops). We are so grateful for everyone’s prayers and good wishes! More later . . .

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