Prince Albert in a can

Prince Albert in a can October 8, 2003

The following is an unofficial rough transcript.

RECEPTIONIST: Majority leader Tom Delay's office?

CITIZEN: Hi. Do you have Prince Albert in a can?


CITIZEN: Do you have Prince Albert in a can?

RECEPTIONIST: I'm sorry. I don't know what you're talking about.

CITIZEN: I was just reading in Salon about Representative Delay's prank-call tactics with over the FCC debate, and I thought it might be fun to call the majority leader's office and ask if you had Prince Albert in a can.


CITIZEN: You know, the old prank phone call.


CITIZEN: See, it's a brand of sardine. Kids would call the supermarket and ask "Do you have Prince Albert in a can?"


CITIZEN: And then when they say "Yes" you say "Well you'd better let him out, he's suffocating." Then you laugh hysterically.

RECEPTIONIST: Thank you for calling sir.

CITIZEN: See, if we're going to stoop to prank-calling tactics, I figured we should start with a classic like old "Prince Albert."

RECEPTIONIST: Thank you for calling sir.

End transcript.

Tomorrow: "Is your refrigerator running?"

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