Water on Mars

Water on Mars March 8, 2004

Fun with standards of evidence …

Both Mars rovers have now confirmed that the surface of the Red Planet is covered with water.

The liberal media, of course, don't report it this way. They merely report that the rovers have found evidence that there once was water on Mars. This confirms what has long been the broad consensus of the international and scientific communities and of previous administrations from both parties.

If there once was water on Mars, then what happened to it? The Martians don't say. They offer no proof that the water was destroyed and no proof that it is not, in fact, still there.

Our robotic inspectors on the surface, the rovers, have yet to find vast stockpiles of water, but keep in mind that Mars is a planet far larger than France and California combined. The rovers are also likely the victims of deception — the Martians could easily be moving the water to keep it hidden from the slow-moving and gullible rovers. (As Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has said, inspections on the ground are "a sham.")

NASA has produced thousands of pages of data from its Martian rovers, but nowhere does any of this reporting come clean with conclusive evidence of what happened to the water that we all know was there.

Failure to provide such conclusive evidence may constitute a "material breach" — providing legal grounds for the invasion of Mars which, sources say, President Bush has been intent on all along.

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