Sunny and 60 degrees

Sunny and 60 degrees November 2, 2004

I'd never been at our local polling place at 7 a.m. before, so I didn't immediately realize that a line out the door, around the corner and down the block was something unprecedented.

About a third of the precinct has already voted here and people seem animated and energized. And it's a gorgeous day in Delco — 60 degrees and sunny. The forecast had called for an overcast day with a 50-50 chance of rain. Sometimes the forecast turns out to have been overly cautious and the result is something unpredicted and beautiful.

The Republican presence near the polls here has only one — one — Bush/Cheney sign. That's compared to the three they have out for the local council candidate and three for the state attorney general candidate. Their emphasis seems to be almost entirely down ticket. Interesting.

It's still early, of course, but if the weather and the current pace of voting holds up, turnout here is going to be remarkably high.

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