L.B.: Rayford Zork

L.B.: Rayford Zork June 14, 2006

There's been a lot of discussion on the Internets of Left Behind: Eternal Forces — the new video game set in the fantasy world of Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins' best-selling apocalyptic novels (see, for example, this jhutson post at Daily Kos).

I guess I didn't expect this to be so controversial because I still remembered playing the original, text-only version of the game. I started playing on the old mainframe system — the same IBM megacomputer Edgar C. Whisenant used for the calculations he relied on for his excellent, although inexplicably out-of-print, 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be in 1988 — but ultimately never completed the quest until I got a pirated floppy of the game for my Commodore 128.

If I remember correctly, it went something like this:

In front of you to the north is the door to New Hope Village Church.


The door is closed.
>open door

The door opens and you see the sanctuary of New Hope Village Church to the north.

You are in the sanctuary of New Hope Village Church. The Rev. Bruce Barnes is here. The BFG-9000 is here.
>get BFG-9000

You cannot carry any more.

You are carrying:
A torch
A book of matches
A Bible
Change for the pay phone
Hattie Durham's lace panties
>drop Bible

The Bible is on the floor. The Rev. Bruce Barnes is here. The BFG-9000 is here.
>get BFG-9000

You are in the sanctuary of New Hope Village Church. The Rev. Bruce Barnes is here. There is a Bible on the floor.

You exit New Hope Village Church to the sidewalk. The door to New Hope Village church is to the north.

You are on the street in front of New Hope Village Church. The street goes east and west.

You are in Manhattan. There is an infidel here.
>Convert infidel.

The infidel does not want to be converted.
>Convert infidel.

The infidel does not want to be converted.
>Convert infidel.

The infidel does not want to be converted.
>Witness to infidel.

The infidel does not want to be converted.
>tell infidel about Hell

Such language!

You are in Manhattan. There is an infidel here.
>tell infidel about eternal suffering and gnashing of teeth in the lake of fire

The infidel does not want to be converted.
>shoot infidel

You raise the BFG-9000 and fire, raining divine judgment on the infidel in a righteous hail of molten lead. The infidel falls over, dead.

Score: 105 out of 500.

You are in Manhattan. There is a dead infidel here.
>examine dead infidel.

On the body of the dead infidel you find more change for the pay phone.
>get change.

You are in Manhattan. There is a dead infidel here.
>make phone call

You have to find a phone first!

You are in Manhattan. There is a dead infidel here.

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