Vagina? Vagina. Vagina vagina vagina.

Vagina? Vagina. Vagina vagina vagina. June 17, 2012

I’m flattered that you’re all so concerned about my vagina.”

If I can’t say the word vagina, why are we legislating vaginas?

“At least nine female legislators, Vagina Monologues author Eve Ensler and actresses from across the state will be assembling to perform Ensler’s play on Monday, June 18, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on the steps of the state capitol in Lansing.”

Vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina, vagina,vagina, VAGINA!!!!!!!

“This is my vagina. There are many like it, but this one is mine.”

“Abortion and contraception restrictions have a lot in common with rape apologies, especiallly when it comes back to the notion that a woman who voluntarily had sex with a man thereby loses her right forever to say no to what others would do with her body.”

“Every time this happens, more women get the message: speak up, and we will come for you.”

“After stumbling across yet another piece of alarmingly dangerous advice for abused women of faith titled, Surviving Emotional Abuse Six Steps, by Christian author, Darcy Ingraham, I am wishing I had more middle fingers with which to express my extreme irritation.”

“‘Different but complementary’: I cannot shake how similar that phrase is to, ‘separate but equal.’

This lie helps to keep women in the Christian Patriarchy movement, persuading them that they are not being treated as inferior, or being degraded or used.”

“Members of the Vatican hierarchy are using the word ‘feminist’ and even ‘radical feminist’ the way third-graders use the word ‘cooties.’

The problem is not radical feminism, it’s radical patriarchy.”

“Despite claims by Catholic bishops that the current administration is engaged in a war against them, federal funding to Catholic organizations has increased during the past two years. Groups getting more money include Catholic Relief services ($12.45 million in 2008 to $57.89 million in 2011), Catholic Charities USA ($440 million in 2008 to $554 million in 2010), the Catholic Medical Mission Board ($500,000 in 2008 to $7 million in 2011), and others.”

“An email today from FRC Action (a group affiliated with the right-wing Family Research Council) repeats the falsehood that emergency contraception drugs cause abortions.”

“I have not asked you to adopt and adhere to my religious beliefs. Why are you asking me to adopt yours?

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