Evolution and the profit motive behind evangelical tribalism, in 8 panels

Evolution and the profit motive behind evangelical tribalism, in 8 panels June 24, 2012

Sometimes people think I’m overstating the case when I describe American evangelicalism as primarily driven by culture-war tribalism in service of partisan politics.

Or when I criticize that tribalism as a tool cynically employed by hucksters seeking to cash in on the tribal market niche.

Or when I suggest that those hucksters are the lackeys and servants of wealthy plutocrats.

But I don’t think I’m overstating any of that.

That’s from the 1975 Spire Christian Comics publication “Archie’s Parables.” (And yes, Spire was published by the Fleming H. Revell Company, why do you ask?)

In 1975, abortion and homosexuality were still many years away from being anything American evangelicals were concerned about, so this comic had to make do with evolution and school prayer. Otherwise, though, plus ça change.

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