Remember to Rescue Me

Remember to Rescue Me July 6, 2012

Big business it don’t like you …

Remember the Time,” Michael Jackson
“Remind Me,” Ella Fitzgerald
Reminder,” Radiohead
Reminiscing,” Buddy Holly
Remote Control,” The Clash
“Renaissance Man,” Midnight Oil
Render Love,” The Choir
Repatriated,” Handsome Furs
Repetition,” The Kinks
“Reprisidente,” Swimming Pool Q’s
Requiem,” M. Ward
Rescue,” Lucinda Williams
Rescue Me,” The Alarm

That Lucinda Williams song is a lovely, lovely thing. The lyrics are here.

There’s an old, old joke about Christian-brand pop music that you can just take any regular pop song, capitalize the pronouns and — voila! — you’ve got a CCM hit on your hands. The joke works because so many CCM songs make it sound like Jesus is your boyfriend. And it works because so many regular pop songs make it sound like your boyfriend/girlfriend is divine. “Rescue” would be a very interesting song to give that capitalized pronoun treatment.

Another interesting question about that song and pronouns: Would this work as a love song if we switched every “he” to an “I”? I think it probably would, but that might say more about me than about the song itself.

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