Still speaking after Election Day

Still speaking after Election Day November 15, 2012

Man, sometimes God really sucks.”

“I went to Tea Party rallies and I would ask this question: ‘Have taxes gone up or down in the past four years?’ They could not answer that question correctly. …  You have to know that taxes have not gone up.”

“I suspect Ralph Reed doesn’t really care if his outreach wasn’t all it was cranked up to be. After all, he still got paid.”

I knew the election season had gone on too long when I saw this ad for the United Church of Christ and all I could hear was Mitt Romney’s voice: “Excuse me, ex-CUSE me, but I haven’t finished talking. I’m still speaking. Let me finish. It’s still my turn. Aaandersonnnn!”

“We’re now going to have to argue and struggle and persuade, before eventually getting what we want.”

“The hate we’ve seen spewed into the political discourse this year was bone-chilling and among the worst we’ve seen, with preachers speaking out against gay marriage by calling for gays to be rounded up or killed by the government, but it’s going to get uglier and nastier.”

“He initiated an eight year attack, pitting a heterosexual majority against a homosexual minority to prevent the democratic process from working in the minority’s favor. … And he never meant to alienate anyone?

“I don’t have it. Do you? [Laughter]

Why should we sign a suicide pact with the National Organization for Marriage?

“There is a rump faction of ultramontane social-issue types that has attached itself to the rest of the Christian right and, therefore, to the Republican party. But they are a shrinking minority.”

“What can be worse than to sell your soul and find it not valuable enough to get anything for it?”

“What’s shocking and disturbing about these tweets is just how many people out there reflexively and thoughtlessly indulge in outright and outrageous racism — and then express surprise that they’re accused of being racists.”

“This election witnessed an increased political awareness and mobilization effort among American Muslims that dealt a major blow to the Islamophobia machine.”

“In fact, you love us SO much you just want to protect us from acting as independent moral agents in a free society.”

“This state of affairs, like all colonies, is a travesty of justice and an embarrassment for an allegedly democratic state.”

Like any penis, I’m a realist. I know I have to bring it back to the sex scandal if I want to keep you reading. …”

“Let’s declare Florida an election disaster area and bring in the feds.”

“Where are the leading Republicans and conservatives repudiating voter suppression?

“I no longer believe that the way to make things better for everyone is to let people with money do whatever they want, whenever they want. I feel I’ve earned the crap out of this belief, given that I used to believe precisely the opposite, and I’ve taken a long journey to the side I stand on now.”

“Hurricane Sandy is projected to cost $50 billion. Imagine one or more of those types of weather events every year, in the midst of rising oceans that will only make the impact greater.”

“The simulations that most closely matched humidity measurements were also the ones that predicted the most extreme global warming.”

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