Like a horse and carriage …

Like a horse and carriage … July 25, 2013

“I continue to have pangs of conscience that I did so little.”

“The difference between how a person treats the powerless versus the powerful is as good a measure of human character as I know.”

From out there, we look like stars.”

“She is supposed to call me when she gets out, and we’re supposed to meet and go shopping.”

“There are only two possibilities here: either we have the most evil people on earth living in the United States, or we are doing something dramatically wrong in terms of how we approach the issue of criminal justice.”

They will never be tried, and they will never be released.”

“When libertarians say they are for basic rights, what they are really saying is that they are for treating what liberals consider basic rights as property rights.”

I have purchased seventeen fine negroes and am this day proceeding down the coast to try what I do can there.”

She didn’t treat me fairly and I was her soul sister.”

“No, we don’t treat black males differently than white males. Whatever gives you that idea?

“I don’t like this at all, but I fear very much this is the new normal.”

Church Sign Epic Fails: ‘Jesus Is My Beer'”

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