I see your face, I see you staring back at me

I see your face, I see you staring back at me July 25, 2014

• Today in poorly worded job application questions: “Did you ever just think of taking any money from a place where you worked without actually doing it?”

I believe they want applicants to say No. They don’t seem to realize that can mean two very different things.

• RIP James Garner. I’m too young to remember Maverick, but I always liked The Rockford Files (I clicked on the video Erik Loomis posted just to hear the theme song, then got sucked in and watched the full episode). Nobody was better than Garner at playing that kind of reluctant hero — the guy who steps up in spite of himself and in spite of clearly wishing he was doing something else.

Oh, and those Polaroid commercials were pretty fun too.

Monsters. We believe in them because then we’re allowed to lie about them.



• “How do you respond to N.T. Wright?” Brian McLaren is asked.

McLaren replies that, like me, he has a great deal of respect and gratitude for Wright’s writing and scholarship. But, he says, “I’ve not paid a lot of attention to his writings or statements on LGBT issues.”

That’s OK, Brian. N.T. Wright hasn’t paid a lot of attention to those writings and statements either.

• The standard kitchen trash can/garbage bag is 13 gallons. The standard outdoor trash can is 32 gallons.

32 ÷ 13 = 2.46. That’s annoying, Rubbermaid. (The moral of this story is to get the 40-gallon trashcans for outdoors.)

• “So I was like, ‘Well, hey guys, what about the river?‘” Lauren Arrington’s scientific findings have troubling implications for the battle to defend local ecosystems against an invasive predator. But the fact that Arrington made those findings in the sixth grade is pretty impressive.

• Just saying “refugee” is a lot easier than saying “unaccompanied minor migrants fleeing violence.” It’s also more accurate — far more accurate than calling refugees “illegal immigrants,” which they are not.

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