• Councilman Kirby Delauter of Frederick County, Maryland, doesn’t seem to understand the public part of being a public servant. The Frederick News-Post responds appropriately.
• Congratulations to Pedro Martinez, Randy Johnson, John Smoltz and Craig Biggio. Pedro was selected by more than 90 percent of the Hall of Fame voters with 49 of them, absurdly, voting against him. That’s because the Hall of Fame voters are baseball writers, not opposing hitters.
• “FBI Seeks Man After Explosion Near Colorado Springs NAACP.”
Police say there were no injuries and only minor damage after an IED was set off next door to the civil rights group’s office on Tuesday. The AP says “investigators were looking for a balding white man in his 40s who may be driving a dirty pickup truck. It could have an open tailgate or a missing or covered license plate.”
I’m not sure if that’s based on witness testimony or just an all-too plausible bit of criminal profiling. Either way, I’ll venture that said pickup truck may also have a Confederate flag decal and a pair of Truck Nutz. Just a guess.
• Phyllis Schlafly: Still alive and still horrible.
• I can’t tell if this is real or a poe (or, maybe, both), but something called the “God’s Glory Bible” (via) bills itself as a “The Holy Bible Honoring God & Country.” It’s advertised as “Made by Americans for Americans” and “Printed and Bound in the U.S.A.,” and it sports a flashy, red, white and blue, star-spangled cover. And the “flag-red presentation box” bears the motto, “One Nation Under God.”
But if you look at that presentation box, you may wonder just which nation that is …

• Here’s a heartfelt sermon on being an effective witness for Christ. “Be honest about your sins,” Pastor Jamie urges us. “Be open about your sins.” Only then, he says, can we be an authentic and effective witness, because, “No Christian’s life is pretty; not if the Christian is open and honest. The appearance is a sham. The truth for every person, yes every single person, is messy at best (c.f. Romans 3:23).”
That sermon is actually from several weeks ago. Pastor Jamie hasn’t been back in the pulpit since he was arrested on Dec. 30 “on 37 counts – including two counts of rape, 20 counts of sexual abuse, 11 counts of sodomy, one count of attempted sodomy and three counts of using a child in a display of sexually explicit conduct.”
• On that note (shifts uncomfortably), here’s a nifty tune from Parker Millsap: