January fundraiser (shameless begging, pleading to follow)

January fundraiser (shameless begging, pleading to follow) January 18, 2018

For those who are willing and able to do so, this would be an excellent time to support this site and my writing by making a donation at www.paypal.me/SlacktivistFred.

PayPal uses my Official First Name on that page, but yes, that’s me. George Thomas Seaver and George Orson Welles didn’t go by their first names either.


(The $0.00 figure there is just a placeholder where you can type in a donation of any size. Not intended as a suggested amount.)

I assure you that these donations won’t be used like this:

But your support — whether through PayPal or through Patreon — makes it possible for me to continue writing here.

I am deeply grateful for that privilege and for any contribution you might be able to make. Thank you.





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