Feb. 13 Flashback: Bad for breakfast

Feb. 13 Flashback: Bad for breakfast February 13, 2022

Jeremy Piven-in-Grosse Pointe Blank voice: “Twenty years, man. Twenty years.”

From February 13, 2015, “The National Prayer Breakfast is bad for the nation, bad for prayer, and bad for breakfast

I do not much care for the National Prayer Breakfast. This annual pageant of power dates back to 1953, so, like Noah Cross, it’s old enough to seem “respectable,” but it’s still a Very Bad Idea.

This is an event at which people display their patriotism by showing their disdain for the Constitution. It’s an event at which people display their piety by contradicting the words of Jesus in the Gospels. That makes the National Prayer Breakfast bad for the nation and bad for prayer.

At more than $400 a ticket, it’s probably also bad for breakfast. (I don’t know what tickets cost now. When I got an invite back in the 1990s, tickets were $300. In 2003 Jeff Sharlet wrote that they cost $425. I’m sure they’re way more than that now.) At that price, and with all the pomp and circumstance, this isn’t really a breakfast so much as it is a banquet scheduled too early in the day. …

Read the whole post here.

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