Danney Williams: “I am Bill Clinton’s Son”

Danney Williams: “I am Bill Clinton’s Son” October 3, 2016


Well, it was interesting to wake up and see the headline of Drudge this morning.

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The various links go to a man named Danney Clinton-Williams’ Facebook page which has a banner that claims he’s Bill’s son.  Also, to this Tweet:


Lastly, Drudge links to a video that says that the thirty years old man is a church goer and the son of Bill and a black prostitute.

Interestingly, the video claims that Hillary is the one who banished this young man from coming around them — even to the point of telling the boy’s aunt and mother that she’d have them arrested if they came around.


It’ll be interesting to see if the media asks her about this .

Click continue to see the bombshell video of a man who says he looked — unsuccessfully — for a DNA test which supposedly absolved Bill from the paternity claims:

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