“The Talk” Black Parents REALLY Need to Be Having with Their Kids Can Be Summed Up in 3 Words

“The Talk” Black Parents REALLY Need to Be Having with Their Kids Can Be Summed Up in 3 Words October 30, 2016

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In 2015, the New York Times produced a powerful video of parents discussing “the talk.” “The talk” is shorthand for a conversation black parents have with their kids, when they explain to them these horrible facts of life.

Cops may not be trusted when it comes to black people… an innocent traffic stop could result in death if the kid isn’t careful.

The video is well produced and the parents seem like good folks:

But there’s one problem.  These “talks” are based on myths.

The Washington Post did a comprehensive, one year study and they found something that the #BlackLiesMatter movement does NOT want you to know.  Most of the people who died during a police interaction were wielding weapons, suicidal, mentally troubled, or running when officers told them to stop. In other words, an innocent black man probably won’t be killed by a racist cop. Period.

That’s not my wishful thinking, that’s a reasonable conclusion based on evidence.

Parents should tell their kids to obey the law and respect cops.  That will make “the talk” much shorter and more effective.  Really, “the talk could be boiled down to these three words:”


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