What does CNN’s Don Lemon think about black teens torturing disabled white kid? “Not evil”

What does CNN’s Don Lemon think about black teens torturing disabled white kid? “Not evil” January 6, 2017

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CNN’s Don Lemon refused to call the streamed video of four black Chicago thugs torturing a young disabled white man while shouting “f*** white people” a hate crime until the Chicago police made that conclusion. But he was willing to shoot down any idea that what these thugs did was evil.

“I don’t think it’s evil,” Lemon declared. “I think these are young people and I think they have bad home training.”


I would be interested to know what Lemon considers evil because if gagging, slapping, cutting, and humiliating a mentally disabled person and streaming it live on Facebook isn’t evil, I don’t know what is.

It seems like he’s not willing to call it evil because the perpetrators are black. If they were white and it was a black kid being tortured, you better believe the E-word would be coming out of his mouth. Lemon’s entire career is crying racism from the rooftops every time a “hate crime” is committed by a white person. If not that, he’s defending Black Lives Matter or sympathizing with Michael Brown’s family on the air even though Brown attacked the police officer who shot him.

Obviously, Lemon is no arbiter of evil, but if he can’t see this video for what it is, he doesn’t deserve a national voice.

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