17 perfect rebuttals to the ridiculous “Day Without A Woman” protest

17 perfect rebuttals to the ridiculous “Day Without A Woman” protest March 8, 2017


On International Women’s Day, feminists all over the world joined together to tell the world how useful they are by… not showing up for work? That’s right! Women left children without teachers, lunch ladies, and counselors at schools. Washington D.C. Workplaces emptied of the female employees who then marched to the White House. They wore red in solidarity. They swore off smiling and didn’t spend money. All to make the point that… well, no one really knows.

It’s hard to take feminists seriously when these kinds of shenanigans are involved, so what better way to respond than with ridicule.

Here are 17 perfect rebuttals to the #ADayWithoutAWoman protests.

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