2 liberal celebs who devastate victims by comparing their political discomfort to rape

2 liberal celebs who devastate victims by comparing their political discomfort to rape March 6, 2017

As a survivor of sexual violence, I have a simple request: Can we stop comparing the election of Donald Trump to being raped?

It’s painful enough to have gone through something like that without someone so casually equating it with an undesirable political outcome.

Other victims are speaking out, too, and we are all saying the same thing: Just. Stop.

With that in mind, here are 2 liberal celebrities who need to just stop:

1. Judd Apatow

Movie and television producer Judd Apatow made this horrible comparison after Donald Trump was elected:

“I feel like I’ve just been raped and I just don’t know if I’m going to get murdered.”

Really? If that’s an attempt at humor, you suck. How could anybody possibly say something like this?

Oh, yeah, the kind of guy who would say this about first lady Melania Trump:

“Every day she’s not in the White House is a day she’s not getting f***** by Donald Trump.  Wouldn’t you stay away?”

Apatow even targeted their son, Barron, saying the look on the young boy’s face says he thinks his dad is a “f****** a**hole.” Apatow is a terrible person.

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