Instant Yule, A Last Minute Guide

Instant Yule, A Last Minute Guide December 20, 2024

How did it get to be Yule already? It’s rather late to be decorating, pulling together ritual and making a solstice blog post. If like me the season has caught you off guard here are a few last minute tricks for instant Yule inspiration.

Instant Books

These little books are quick reads. I dip into them for ideas and they also make good last minute gifts. They’re all available as ebooks. There’s one idea from each of them in this blog post.

Llewellyn’s Little Book of Yule, Jason Mankey
Yule, a Celebration of Light and Warmth, Dorothy Morrison
Yule, Rituals, Recipes and Lore for the Winter Solstice, Susan Moonwriter Pesznecker

Instant Gifts

Dorothy Morrison has a great idea for a last minute gift – a spell kit! Gather:

  • a power object like a small stone or charm
  • a bit of green like a rosemary twig
  • a stick or cone of incense
  • a small pen or pencil
  • a piece of paper
  • a red ribbon or cord

Put these in a small basket or bag. In a pinch you can make a bag by taking a square of cloth and tying it with a thread or ribbon.

Instant Altar Decor

Evergreen branches are the essence of Christmas. I’m lucky enough to live in an evergreen forest so I can collect decor by just cleaning up the yard. In past years I’ve stopped by a Christmas tree lot and begged some branches. They’ve always been nice, I offer to pay and they wave me off. A white candle, a red ribbon and voila! A great setting for your favorite Horned God or Winter Queen image.

Instant Ambiance

Do you have cinnamon sticks in the spice drawer? Drop one into a pot of water and heat it. You can heat it on the stove, in a crock pot, or a bowl in the microwave. The scent of heated water is distinctly different from incense. It’s soothing.

Instant Ritual

Jason Mankey has a creative rite based on A Christmas Carol. Take three candles and light them to invoke three spirits. Ask the Spirit of Holidays Past to bring back happy memories, the Spirit of Holiday Present to make this a joyful one, and the Spirit of Holidays to Come to bless you with pleasant anticipation of the future holidays.

Instant Spellcraft

Susan Moonwriter Pesznecker has two ideas that work well together.

Dark Night Charm

This will work on any day between now and January 6 when the darkest season begins to pass. Just before you go to sleep turn your thoughts to a Goddess or God of protection. I work with Herne the Hunter for this rite. Speak or think a quick petition, “[Deity], protect me and the ones I love through these dark nights.”

Dawning Day Charm

When you wake up the morning after you say the dark night charm, immediately think of a Goddess or God who blesses you. I work with Elen of the Ways for this rite. Speak or think a quick petition, “[Deity], bring me and the ones I love health and prosperity in the new day, the new season and the new year.”

Quick, it’s time to turn the wheel, it’s solstice. Have a glad Yule!

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