Actually I’m Pretty Sure We All CAN Just Get Along

Actually I’m Pretty Sure We All CAN Just Get Along June 25, 2016


I just woke up, as I usually do, brushed the twigs and hayseed out of my hair, stumbled downstairs looking for my coffee cup, and found that there’s been a kerfuffle with Peter Kreeft and some atheist. Michael or I will do actual research to bring you the scoop later, so don’t worry. You’ll know everything I know and some things I read about on Facebook. But for the moment, just let me say something.

You know what Atheists are? Deep down in their mysterious hearts?

Atheists are humans.

I’ve got a couple good friends who are atheists now, and several more who are agnostics. It didn’t used to be this way; as I mentioned this week, I was raised in a very insular, isolated homeschooling culture (not all homeschoolers are isolated, but I was). I was raised to think that atheists were scary horrible Nazi/communist types who had orgies and didn’t love their children. It turns out I was wrong, and I repent of my mistake there and anything I ever did to spread the error. Atheists are human persons, with exactly as much dignity as I  have. Some are nice, some are very nice, some are mean, some are very mean, some are only mean until they’ve had their coffee just like me. I disagree strongly with atheists on theological issues, but whether I agree on anything else tends to be completely up in the air, because atheists believe all kinds of things. Because they’re not cookie-cutter cutouts for us to stuff with straw and vent our hate upon; they’re humans.

They don’t believe this, but I believe they’re children of God. Because they’re humans.

So, whatever happens and whatever bloggers or folk heroes or facebook friends are saying, please remember that atheists have human dignity, as much as you or your spouse or an unborn baby has human dignity, and don’t say anything to them you wouldn’t say to Christ. Okay? Awesome.
Now where did I put that coffee cup?

(Image via pixabay)

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