September 2, 2021

I want to say a few words about the new abortion law  in Texas. As we all know, I don’t enjoy writing about abortion because I don’t like it when pro-life people scream that I’m a baby killer who deserves to be be publicly humiliated and denied communion while pro-choice people call me a Nazi who deserves to get raped. I am a Catholic who believes that the unborn child has personhood and deserves to live, but I also realize... Read more

August 30, 2021

On Thursday I went to get the car back from the towing company’s lot. My friend took the morning of her day off to drive me, chatting reassuringly about how everybody gets in an accident within the first six months of having a car. We drove off the main road to find the towing company. I can’t find words to describe how quickly northern Appalachia turns rural, once you drive off the main road. One moment you’re in a world... Read more

August 24, 2021

The discourse on Catholic social media has turned to fat and fat shaming lately. A prominent Catholic celebrity who got famous in a dubious way is tut-tutting fat people, sharing details about their “weight loss journey,” enumerating the pounds they’ve lost, warning us we’re going to die, and promising to help us get in shape, and it’s drawn quite a bit of attention. I have something to say on this topic. I tried to tweet it, but it’s a little... Read more

August 24, 2021

The day started out badly, and then it got worse. The anxiety from the situation with the menacing neighbor had been gnawing my stomach all weekend. I was unable to eat. I had panic attacks in church.  I kept thinking everything was starting to clear up, and then I’d hear her hateful screen door slam open and the hateful dog’s chain leash rattling in the yard and my heart would start to race. And all the while with my usual... Read more

August 23, 2021

I’d like to say another word about my old pal Abby Johnson, whom I’ve been trying to avoid noticing since she was photographed at the Capitol Riot this January. Specifically I want to address her statements about her family’s recent bout of COVID-19, and the dubious treatments they took to ease their suffering. I need to tread lightly here, because Facebook didn’t like my last post about vaccines. In fact, they grumpily deleted it and claimed it was anti-vax because... Read more

August 21, 2021

I got the notification that my restraining order had been dismissed this week. I was ready for that. The judge didn’t even look at my pile of evidence at the hearing. He didn’t even look concerned when she ranted about her hallucinations of us pressing our faces to the window at night.  And it wouldn’t have done any good if he hadn’t dismissed it, because the police flat out told me they refused to enforce it. When I went out... Read more

August 19, 2021

    A couple of years ago I got on the Steubenville city bus. The bus driver I have referred to as “Old Scratch” was driving, and talking, as he always did. It’s not the custom to talk to the bus driver in most places in America, but it’s expected in Steubenville. Most of the drivers are fun to talk to but I never liked chatting with Old Scratch. This time, Old Scratch had as his captive audience two passengers–... Read more

August 17, 2021

  I have been driving to Wheeling lately. I have a friend who lives there. When I didn’t have a car, Steubenville and Wheeling seem so far apart that she might as well have lived on the moon. But this month I’ve gone and visited her twice. The drive to Wheeling goes right down the bank of the noxious Ohio river. You can either drive on the Ohio side and cross the bridge near Martin’s Ferry, or the West Virginia... Read more

August 16, 2021

Twenty years ago, when I was a teenager, I watched the 9/11 terrorist attacks on television. I turned on the TV in time to see the last tower still standing for a few minutes. I saw desperate people leaning out the windows, ninety-four stories in the air, waving for help as if anyone could possibly save them. I saw little dots falling off the towers, glinting in the bright morning sun, and at first I didn’t know what they were.... Read more

August 12, 2021

Today I am completely disgusted by a tweet by Father David Nix. Nix is a “hermit” in the Diocese of Denver. He does not have a congregation of his own, as far as I can tell. Googling him tells me he’s into vaccine denial and “the Great Reset.” He’s sometimes been photographed enjoying wine and dining with Mel Gibson, as every humble hermit does on occasion. And, apparently, he has a thing for gymnasts. I have tussled with Father Nix... Read more

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