Bobby McFerrin on the Danceability of Bach

Bobby McFerrin on the Danceability of Bach February 18, 2013

For those in search of a reason behind the posting of this clip, none shall be given. Other than the respectful suggestion that they watch it again. And again, ’til the need for an explanation is washed gently away on the waves of pure awesomeness.

Additional Bach and McFerrin links, however, are readily available. And. How.

The source behind this particular clip — Michael Lawrence’s Bach & Friendslooks fascinating. “World-class musicians share their innermost thoughts and personal reflections on the power and genius of the most influential composer in history?” Why yes, I’d love some. Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy.

Attribution(s):Il Ballo2” by Giuseppe Piattoli (source) is licensed under Public Domain via Commons.

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