Enjoying Haydn’s Keyboard Concerti

Enjoying Haydn’s Keyboard Concerti October 3, 2013

Franz Joseph Haydn is easily most famous for his symphonies. And so he should be. Yet as an inveterate contrarian, I’ve long had a soft spot for his lesser known chamber music and concerti. (And yes, I realize that saying something is lesser known than Haydn’s symphonies is a far, far cry from saying it’s obscure. But comparatively…)

His baryton trios, for example — composed during his employment by “renowned” barytonist Prince Nikolaus Esterházy — are wonderful. So are his horn works. But for the last little while, I’ve been absorbing his keyboard concerti with relish — mostly recordings featuring the harpsichord, but dipping into piano and organ performances from time to time, as well.

Here’s a particularly fun clip featuring Paul Badura-Skoda. (For those who find Herr Badura-Skud’s appearance a bizarre amalgamation of Krusty the Clown and Roberto Benigni, I suggest playing this video in a separate tab. But if that’s not who you see when watching, enjoy!)


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