Just Messin’ Around with Four Pianos (and Eight Hands)

Just Messin’ Around with Four Pianos (and Eight Hands) November 5, 2014

All the likes. All of them, I say.

Perhaps not the best version from a technical standpoint (or in terms of recording quality), but it sure is fun to watch Argerich, Kissin, Levine, and Pletnev pounding away together.

For those who do not enjoy hearing Bach’s music performed on the the piano — Yes, they exist. No, I can’t explain it. — here’s a wonderful Pinnock-led version on the harpsichord(s). Because I’m nice that way.

Oh, and yes. That’s sort of Vivaldi’s piece. RV 580, to be exact. But who’s keeping track of that sort of thing nowadays, anyway?

Lastly, and for no particular reason (other than the fact that I’ve been meaning to use it for ages and this seems as good a place as any), I’ll just put this here.

You’re welcome.


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