Pure Blasphemy! Host Sees “Christ” Emanating From Trump

Pure Blasphemy! Host Sees “Christ” Emanating From Trump February 22, 2020

Because it’s totally NOT a cult.

And by that, I mean it’s a cult.

In the age of Trump, running across these stories of absurdity and borderline blasphemy have become the norm, I’m sad to say. The fervor surrounding this unrepentant adulterer and cheater of orphans, widows, and veterans matches the unrestrained worship seen through the years in various cults and sects around the world.

What makes it equally disgusting is that once-respected Christian leaders have gone all in to back this man, putting their reputations and their witness on the line, for the glory of Trump. They’ve forgotten the first calling of a Christian – to go out into the world and be a light, winning souls to the Kingdom of God – because they’ve made winning elections and the pursuit of political power more important.

Let me reiterate this point: Trump is an abusive, profane, selfish, and in every way, ungodly man. His heart is far from God, and no matter how he courts evangelicals for their vote, only true repentance will save him. Not being surrounded by religious “leaders” of dubious character and intent. They lavish him with undue praise and admiration, but nowhere do they call out his abuse or profanity. At no time do they put Jesus’ teachings of such things, above standing on their partisan platform. And why are they so cowardly, when faced with an opportunity to minister to this man, thereby impressing on a dark world the need and availability of salvation for all?

Because to do so would cause them to be cast out from his inner circle and away from that access to political power.

To quote the first of the two Corinthians:

“Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” – 1 Corinthians 15:33 (NIV)

Franklin Graham has gone as far as to praise the virtue and character of Melania Trump, above every other First Lady in history.

This would be the Melania Trump who entered the country on a falsified visa, with a trash bin full of greasy, grainy, pornographic escort shots on the internet.

That doesn’t include the horrific porn shots since coming into the employ of Donald J. Trump, who once said of his wife that when they walked into a room, he wanted every man in the room to want to “fornicate with” his wife (He used the other “f” word, by the way).

His wife.

The Bible speaks clearly about being on guard against false prophets and those who would attach themselves to the people of the church, for the purposes of leading them astray.

With that in mind, let’s get an introduction to Ann Vandersteel.

Vandersteel is the host of a conspiracy-laden talk show called YourVoice America.

Some of her greatest hits include pushing the debunked “Pizzagate” hoax, claiming that Hillary Clinton and other world leaders are part of a vast ring of pedophiles.

She’s also a devotee of all the QAnon internet idiocy, that pushes the notion of Donald Trump dropping a net on all those previously mentioned pedophiles.

To date, none of the QAnon “prophecies” have come to pass. Every deadline set by the QAnon bats has come and gone with nothing, yet, the true believers persist.

OH – and if you want a real feel for QAnon’s frame of mind, they recently pushed that former President John F. Kennedy was a featured guest at Donald Trump’s last campaign rally.

But back to Vandersteel…

On a recent show, during an interview with commentator and author, Dan Perkins, she made this doozy of a remark about President Trump:

“When President Trump came down the escalator with Melania Trump next to him, I saw Christ emanating from that man,” she told Perkins. “There was something that hit me so strongly that I’ll never forget it in 2015.”

It may have been that second fifth of rotgut booze that hit you, because it wasn’t anything from the Holy Spirit.

I remember that moment. I watched it, too. I didn’t see Christ emanating from him. I saw parody. I saw unseriousness. I saw a petty little attention-seeker and his trophy wife playing the press. I did not, at any time, see anything that would indicate he would become the de facto leader of the evangelical church. He would later go on and publicly admit that he’d never asked for God’s forgiveness, and didn’t see the need to ask for forgiveness.

This is the kind of dangerous, cultish nonsense that is surrounding Trump, and it permeates the American evangelical culture, because winning elections has become more important than winning souls.

I have stood up in the pulpit and taught about the importance of taking our faith into the voting booth. I have taught about what churches can, and cannot do, as far as the political process, without getting into trouble with the government.

I have also stressed making good choices, and when there are no good choices, you take your hands off the wheel and let God do what He will do.

Promoting the idea of an ungodly man as being “Christlike,” simply because he falls into your preferred political camp is not the way of God. It is blasphemous.

As Trump continues to trample on the Constitution and the rule of law, this continued deification becomes increasingly dangerous and disgusting.

It is propaganda from the state, and only serves to promote and aid the forces of this world, not the glory of God.

The American church has become lukewarm. The Gospel is being watered down, because politics has become more important for too many. No one in the evangelical community should be surprised when God decides to spit us out of His mouth.

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