August 17, 2015

Book Review Encountering Jesus: Modern-Day Stories of His Supernatural Presence and Power Compiled by James Stuart Bell It’s hard to stay cool while speaking to a hot question. And when the question has religious overtones or is religious to the core, the hot gets hotter. Gay marriage, new Calvinism, race – pick one. How’s this? Did all supernatural manifestations within Christianity (especially appearances and some form of the presence of Jesus) end when the apostles died out and the writing... Read more

August 13, 2015

by Wendi Matusic If you, like me, can’t see the word “Abba” without thinking “Dancing Queen” or “Mama Mia,” you’ll likely have a few 1970’s flash backs from the title of Neal Lozano’s book Abba’s Heart. But in a convoluted way, I think that relates to what the author wants us to know – the true Abba. God as the Father. God as the Father in a personal way such that he is Daddy or “Abba”. The book begins by showing... Read more

July 27, 2015

“The Paranormal Conspiracy tells the stories of those who became deeply involved in otherworldly phenomena, often with tragic results. I wrote the book for those who are seeking answers regarding everything from ghostly beings to Bigfoot to UFOs—and are open to a biblical perspective on these enigmatic topics.” — Timothy Dailey, author What inspired you to write this book, at this time? Who did you write this book for? We are witnessing an exploding fascination with the paranormal that has coincided... Read more

July 20, 2015

by Jane Dudley Father Michel Remery, a Dutch priest, has written Tweeting with God, from Ignatius Press, a book to answer some 200 questions on God, life, the Church, and faith. The book will be good for those curious about Christianity, but also for those who have been Christian for years but perhaps have done little to share their faith person-to-person. Long-time Christians sometimes forget that when speaking to others about our faith, we need to realize that people may... Read more

July 16, 2015

by Kamilla Ludwig Tweeting with God was an unexpected pleasure. What started out as a young adult discussion group at a church in the Netherlands has become a book, app (#TwGOD) and associated Twitter account that serves, not only as a sort of catechism, but an evangelism tool as well. Although the author, Fr. Michel Remery is from Leiden, near Amsterdam, the book seems geared towards an American audience with its conversational tone, and each of the four sections being introduced... Read more

July 16, 2015

“I walked through the way of Jesus, the way of Buddha, the way of Plato and several other great teachers. I studied the agreements and disagreements among these major religions. Finally, I realized that the final goal is the same – but the road to reaching it is different.” — Star Chang, author, Coming Home Sometimes when you set off on a journey and discover great treasure, it’s impossible not to share it. Star Chang, a businesswoman who set off... Read more

July 15, 2015

by Kate Yeago Tweeting with God is an introduction to Catholicism, a sort of “200 questions you had about the Catholic Church but were afraid to ask”. It’s extremely readable and engaging, clearly aimed at a younger audience. The book uses a Twitter-themed format: each question is dealt with in two pages and summed up at the end with a max-140-character “tweet”. There are plenty of supplemental infographics and charts for each question, and helpful appendices at the end of... Read more

July 15, 2015

By Sherry Antonetti The title, “Tweeting with God,” conjured visions of a short pithy book with 365 tweets, sort of a devotional or inspirational thought for the day. So I was surprised when a 431 page book arrived at my doorstep, delving into such topics as what the church teaches about sex, the big bang, why are we here on Earth, crusades, birth control, and what happened in Vatican II.This isn’t a book to read page by page (though you... Read more

July 15, 2015

“If we intend to bring Jesus’ message to the people of today, we’ll have to be active also online. Jesus starts where people are to be found. He visits them, talks to them about their concerns. His main “tool” to convince people is his love for them. That is what drives him and that is what people find so attractive in him. He is present in their lives.” — Fr. Michel Remery, author, Tweeting with God  This month at the... Read more

July 15, 2015

My grandfather’s story shows what it means to love your neighbor as yourself – that means being willing to risk being broken. The key is in the book’s epigraph from Thornton Wilder, which I love: “Without your wounds where would you be? The very angels themselves cannot persuade the wretched and blundering children of earth as can one human being broken in the wheels of living. In love’s service, only the wounded soldiers can serve.” — Peter Mommsen, author, Homage... Read more

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