Thoughts on Prophetic Leadership: Day 24

Thoughts on Prophetic Leadership: Day 24 July 4, 2010

My activities today included (but were not limited to): taking a long walk to the hardware store and the farmer’s market; arranging several vases of gorgeous flowers I got for really, really cheap at the farmer’s market; priming the bathroom with the help of my cousin Kevin (see yesterday’s post); cooking lunch; trying to get my phone fixed, AGAIN; finishing the sermon; building a shelf; PAINTING the aforementioned bathroom; moving the last boxes out of storage; unpacking all the photo albums; hanging a samurai sword in the boys’ room; hanging two pieces of art on the wall (the last 5 items could not have been done without the incredible help and task master tendencies of Rachel Johnson, BTW)

I just realized that it’s already 12:20 a.m., which means I technically did not blog on Saturday . . . my deepest hope is that this laundry list of tasks I accomplished will absolve me of this slight, and readers will head on over to ABP and read the column I wrote this week on Prophetic Leadership.  I worked hard on this column because it’s something I think about a lot and struggle with myself all the time. 

I find that I have these ridiculous hopes for the Church–that together we could really help God usher in the kingdom of heaven here and now.  I worry so much about my own inability and unwillingness to take the risk of prophetic leadership, and sometimes the lack of courage I see all around me in the ranks of church leadership makes me feel downright despair. 

I know I certainly feel despair when I see most of the comments my column has produced on the ABP site . . . .

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