Geena Davis and Iconic women

Geena Davis and Iconic women July 28, 2005

So, everyone is all of a doo-dah about this new Geena Davis show, wherein she will be the first female president.

ABC is doing its part to help the Hillary ’08 campaign with this transparent attempt to get the nation “comfortable” with the idea of a woman president – one who will be portrayed as having soft edges, to round out Hillary’s own spear-sharp ones.

Funny how campaign-finance laws restrict the free speech of bloggers and independant groups, but don’t consider how the arts contribute to campaigns…but that is for better minds than mine.

Charmaine Yoest is taking some umbrage at the suggestion that this show is necessary to get Americans to think of women in Iconic ways…or something.

The Washington Post reports today on a press conference with Rod Lurie, the show’s creator. Lisa de Moraes reports that “Lurie thinks it a shame there are no ‘iconic’ women in history because women do have greatness in them.”

Aw, isn’t that nice? Someone in Hollywood thinks we women have greatness in us. Imagine if he’d never suggested it! We’d all still think we were slugs.

So, Charmaine is assembling a list of iconic women, and a gallery. She wants you to go over there and suggest some women. Nice idea. She also links to this excellent site all about women and what they have done.

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