Dick Morris – wrong again

Dick Morris – wrong again September 21, 2005

You would think he would always be right – given how well he supposedly knows her, but I can’t remember the last time Dick Morris was correct about anything pertaining to Hillary Clinton – he predicted she would NOT run for the Senate from NY and that if she did run, she’d lose.

In this piece, Morris is wrong again.

Polls show that 60 percent of New Yorkers do not want Hillary to run for president even as 55 percent say they will vote for her for the Senate. They know that a senator is AWOL when she goes for the top prize.

Armed with the doubts of New Yorkers about Hillary’s fealty and protected by her social liberalism, Pirro will make a very effective challenger. She will almost certainly make the race closer than the 12 points that separated Hillary from her 2000 Republican challenger, Rep. Rick Lazio. And Pirro will make her work hard and spend tens of millions of dollars.

Okay. I’m going to make a prediction right now – and mind it. If I am wrong, then I am wrong and I am doomed to obscure right-wing blog anonymity forever. If I am RIGHT…well, if I am right, I am also doomed to obscure right-wing blog anonymity forever, because I like it that way and have no ambitions beyond being a Playful Primate in the TTLB Ecosystem!

My prediction is thus: Hillary Clinton will amass a fortune for her campaign chest and she will soundly beat any GOP challenger who runs against her for the Junior Senator’s seat from NY. She will swiftly begin her presidential campaign (while denying she is actually campaigning).

Within a year of being re-elected the din from the press and “concerned citizens” for her to enter the Presidential race will be so loud that she will concede to run for president and – because she is “concerned about the representation for the people of New York who deserve a full-time senator” she will resign her Senate seat and fly straight to Iowa, then New Hampshire.

Her resignation will allow the newly-elected DEMOCRAT Governor of New York, Eliot Spitzer to name anyone he damn pleases to that senate seat. Thus, the people of NY who re-elect Hillary Clinton will have essentially screwed themselves, and will find themselves represented by someone who – very likely – they would NEVER have voted into that office, had they been given the choice.

Like who, says you? Like obedient empty suit Mark Green, who will thrill the Upper Left Side of Manhattan and never set foot in upstate New York and who will be counted on to keep his head down, his inarticulate mouth shut and vote the way he’s told. Or….

Like Rep. Nita Lowey who obediently stepped aside in 2000 so Hillary could have her Senate campaign. She would be marginally better than Mark Green, just as obedient but her suit only half-empty, and she might venture past Westchester now and then. Or…

Like Al Sharpton, who – given a Senate seat he could never win on his own – will in turn do everything he can to deliver the shaky black vote to Mrs. Clinton, not just in New York, but throughout the country as he campaigns for her. He has been observing – correctly – for several years that the Democrats give “lip service but not leadership positions” to their black base – this will give him the role he wants, put him into the party’s debt and get that black vote back where it belongs!

I hope I’m wrong and Morris is right. I often AM wrong! But then…so is Morris.

In the meantime, the people of New York State better look very closely at what may be coming down the pike if they re-elect Hillary Clinton. It will very likely be a Junior Senator they would never have voted in, in a million years.

So much for Democratic process and the voice of the little people.

Then again, snubbing Democracy is becoming a habit for some.

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